The Arrest - Evie Titley

Dear Anne Frank,

As you lie beside the waving stars,

You wish for your happiness. 

   Whenever you hear the tanks or guns, 

Your spirit gets dampened but always came up again.

You beg for food,

           You get none.            

      But every day you look out of your window, And wonder

what it was and will be like to be free.

When you got caught Anne,

        You cried in desperation.   

    But no one had pity on you Anne,

You were taken away to devastation and death.

But let me tell you something Anne, 

All your dreams came true.

Your wonderful father found Kitty,

 And now you are world renowned.

We all cry when we hear your story,

                                We are filled with sadness.                                       

Yet now, when we look at your gravestone, we can think of the beauty still left around us and be happy.

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