Connie Shelton

As I entered the alley and stood before the building, my heart started racing, as I looked through the eyes of Anne Frank and saw how a simple thing like religion could end your life so rapidly. Anne was once a happy, carefree girl, but as the times went on, her life started to crumble before her eyes as she was forced into intense hiding where the simplest of tastes for freedom became impossible. After years of living in these intense situations, she and her family and friends were discovered and this young teenager was forced into a concentration camp. Even though she died, the Anne Frank story has changed the world and moved many people's hearts, including my own. The way this girl wrote down her painful experience through this tragic time really makes me reflect on my everyday life and how we can do what we want and think what we like without being judged or taken away to be punished or tormented. This little girl's story made me upset, but at the same time happy from how she persevered throughout and made the most of all of the little moments in life. This is what I believe she wanted us all to do, grasp the little moments and don't forget.

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