Anne Frank - Lucy Pitchfork

There’s darkness around you, but still you think about
You stare out of the window confused,
Confused about the life surrounding the death.

The window, your only way for you to see life,
Kitty, your friend, your diary, the only one you share your thoughts with.
In a tiny room you’re stuck, but you imagine all the life and beauty around.

New life at the start of every year,
Fragrant flowers and young spring animals,
Wildlife, worms and woodland creatures,
The four seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter,
All bringing hope and new life to the year,

Worrying about the Nazis,
Praying to get out of the house,
To escape captivity,
To be free

To be back with nature

The beauty all around.

But when will you ever get out?

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