Amelia Hyland Martin

He was sparrow with a cape, bold and royal, to his wonderful new cape he was proud and loyal. He flew fast to his nest, so fast almost soaring. A small voice crying at the pain he was ignoring. His sparrow mother cried when she saw him: the light in her eyes so fast growing dim. So sun set, sinking fast beneath trees, our little sparrow fell fast to his knees. He’d caught the cape on no more than a twig, and it tugged and it tugged on his small sparrow neck. Along came the dark yet fast sacred night, as he struggled and fumbled pining for flight. The plastic tugged and it tugged on our little sparrows neck. For a glorious cape bright and new, had fell from the hand of someone like you.

The day was bright and the air was crisp, and the wind floated by, no more than a wisp. He sat on his branch so happy you see, for now winter was over now he could flee. From that little old hole he’d stashed full of nuts and out to the world with no doors longer shut. Yet far in the distance he heard slight sound, a single acorn fell from its mound. Over the hill came a sight to behold. A large metal

monster polished to shine with great gnashing teeth and buzzing saws. Our squirrel was scared of this new metal beauty. For never before had he seen such a thing. Later that evening when stars reached the sky and clouds wafted by with a small silent sigh. And as he was sleeping in the silent night, the tree it rumbled

shaking with fright. A great metal weapon dug into its side, and it let out a groan as it silently cried. And our little squirrel lost his home.

The tigers that ran through the falling trees, struggled and ran as they fell to their knees. As the red blood dripped, a tall a man unclipped; his sharpened knife from his tough leather belt. The turtle swam through the dark blue sea, spying colourful things that filled him with glee. Yet when he tried eating he choked and gasped for

the bright little pipe got stuck in his throat. Think off all the beauty still left around you and be happy. But that's the problem, we’re killing it.

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